Rafael Cordero

About Me
Hi my name is Rafael Cordero i am a high school student at The Heritage School. I am currently in 11th grade. I have alot of interests and things that keep me busy when i`m out of school such as track, my mentor program or just staying after school to finish up some work. My interests are playing sports like baseball, and basketball, writing lyrics, playing guitar or just reading. While i`m in high school i`m spending my time preparing for college . I wanna go to college for music production and hopefully that will set me on my way to a career in the music industry. I speak two languages (English, Spanish) .

When i'm not doing anything the things i like to do is go on the computer, watch some tv or play 360. I have two sisters and one little brother and we all grew up in the south Bronx and have moved to where im currently at in east Harlem. My current background is Puerto Rican and anytime my mom is cooking up some chicken with rice and beans i could smell it from a mile away . I have a big family and one thing we like to do is go on road trips in the summer to lakes or the beach .

One way i like to express myself is through my music. I like to write lyrics mainy about my life or things that im going through. Since i was little i was always into music and i had a deep intrest in it .

Below you will find a link to a page I've put together with some of my work, experiences, and creative endeavors. I hope you enjoy it. Click here to visit my page.

Ms. Webster's Words of Wisdom

8 more days til Regents

There are only 8 days of school left until Regents starts. Just sayin'.

If you're about to take Regents, you have two options: freak out, or, don't freak out.

I used to like having finals when in high school, in the same way that I liked it when the electricity went out for no reason, in the way that I liked snow days, in the way that I liked big, dangerous, important events: they gave me a break from the soul-crushing routine of every day.

So of course I was a LITTLE freaked-out, because tests are tests. But mostly I was excited to get a break from the routine of high school, the getting-up-early-every-damn-day, seeing-a-bunch-of-people-I-didn't-trust-or-enjoy, eating-the-disgusting-cafeteria-food, doing-all-that-boring-work, killing-homework routine. During finals, I didn't have any of that nonsense. I even had a brilliant excuse to get out of doing chores, baby-sitting my little brother, and even eating dinner with my family (which at 16 seemed like an incredibly tedious task). Instead, I retreated into monastic study, at the table in my room I had specially set up.

The study space set up was an important component of studying for finals. About a week before finals started, I moved a table into the middle of my bedroom. I cleaned the surface carefully. I got a desk lamp with a clamp and a hinged arm that I screwed onto the edge of the table. I got a straight-backed chair and a pillow for support. I stacked my textbooks neatly in one corner of the table. I stacked my class notebooks and binders in the other corner. I acquired two sharpened pencils with good erasers and two pens, one blue and one black, and four highlighters in different colors. These writing instruments I inserted into an empty jar and positioned the jar next to the notebooks. I got a big bottle of water and a bag of pretzels for reinforcement. Then I put on my favorite album (which at the time was Pearl Jam, I believe), and locked my bedroom door. Let the storm come. I was ready.

-Ms. Webster

Read more on Ms. Webster's page